A Memorial Day Message from Bob and Barry Faxon

A Memorial Day Message from Bob and Barry Faxon

Posted by Bob & Barry Faxon on May 27th 2021

To Our Brothers & Sisters in the Fellowship of Firearms,

Today, we want to take the opportunity to use our media and marketing channels to honor the occasion of Memorial Day.

For over a year now, it feels that the freedoms we so enjoy as citizens of the United States have felt strained. There is confusion and frustration in our country that many have never seen in their lifetimes. Mixing a global pandemic with civil unrest, high-profile elections, and more have made many of us ponder the depths of our freedoms.

Today, though, we hope to take at least a moment to peel back the layers of the day-to-day uncertainty and concern to reflect on the brave men and women who gave their lives so that we can enjoy our freedoms.

When we look at the history of the world, we realize that our beloved USA is still quite young. From that perspective, we realize that 2020-21 (thus far) is but a small dot on the timeline of this Great Country. That is not to minimize the months of uncertainty and trials we currently face, but rather to serve as a reminder that the American people are collectively strong. We have overcome adversity in the past, and we believe we will overcome adversity again.

At Faxon Firearms, we believe our strength to overcome adversity, and our ability to prosper, both individually and collectively, is directly proportional to the willingness of our Armed Forces to put everything on the line for the love of country, and the love of others.

You have heard us say many times that Faxon Firearms and Faxon Machining are examples of the American Dream.

If not for a country that allows citizens like us to dream and build businesses, our little shop in Northside Cincinnati, where our late brother David worked on cars in the late 70s, would have never existed. It would have never grown into Faxon Machining, and as such, would not have birthed Faxon Firearms.

Today, and each day, our family and staff recognize that the ability we have to do what we do, the ability we have to champion this Fellowship of Firearms is only possible because throughout our nation's history there have been brave men and women who lost their lives to keep us free.

There will be no big blowout Memorial Day sale at Faxon today. We are not interested in commercializing the sacrifices of our fallen heroes. Instead, each social post today will be in memoriam of these brave souls. It is but a small token of appreciation to a vast debt paid.

As always, we want to sincerely thank you for your support of Faxon Firearms. It brings us great joy knowing that our dream is providing memories and enjoyable experiences to so many.

If you are a person of faith, we encourage you to join us today in prayer for our country, and reverent thankfulness of the heroes who have gone before us.


Bob & Barry Faxon

"Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends." - John 15:13