Kentucky Tornado Relief

Kentucky Tornado Relief

Posted by Faxon Firearms Staff on Dec 16th 2021

Dear Friends in The Fellowship of Firearms,

As many of you have seen and heard, tornadoes tore through the states of our midwestern neighbors on December 10th and 11th, 2021.

Being based in Greater Cincinnati, Ohio, we share in a "tri-state" community with Indiana and Kentucky. It is common for Indiana and Kentucky neighbors to work, go to school, or have family in Cincinnati. Some even work at our facility.

Some agencies report that up to 6 tornadoes touched down in western Kentucky and moved northeast toward Ohio. Fortunately, here in Cincinnati, we only experienced heavy rain and storms. However, Kentucky was not as fortunate.

The storms killed and injured many. They destroyed homes, businesses, and upended what should be a joyous Christmas season.

At Faxon Firearms, we do not wish to capitalize on the tragedy of others. We do not wish to posture our brand on the shoulders of people who are hurting. We do, however, realize that we have a platform and resources to assist in situations like these. We want to let all of you know that we recognize the tragedy, and we're doing our part to help.

Our staff has organized a relief drive, bringing in supplies to donate to the relief efforts of Matthew 25 Ministries. Our donations will be delivered on December 22.

If you feel moved to donate, we would encourage you to look for an agency that aligns with your personal views and ideals. If you would like to donate through Matthew 25 Ministries, please see the link below.


-The Faxon Firearms Team

Donate online or mail checks to Matthew25: Ministries, 11060 Kenwood Road, Cincinnati, OH 45242 (100% of donated funds designated for December Tornado Outbreak Relief will be used for the purpose intended)